
中野宏一先生の最終講義を通じて出会った、A. W. Shawの1915年の論文 “Some Problems in Market Distribution” の原文がUniversity of CaliforniaのCalifornia Digital Libraryのアーカイブにありました。




  • While we are only upon the threshold of the possibilities of efficiency in production, the progress thus far made has outstripped the existing system of distribution. If our producing possibilities are to be fully utilized, the problems of distribution must be solved. A market must be found for the goods potentially made available. This means, in the main, a more intensive cultivation of existing markets. The unformulated wants of the individual must be ascertained and the possibility of gratifying them brought to his attention.

  • Only in recent years, when the development of production, potentially outstripping the available market, has shifted the emphasis to distribution, has the business man become a pioneer on the frontier of human wants. Today the more progressive business man is searching out the unconscious needs of the consumer, is producing the goods to gratify them, is bringing to the attention of the consumer the existence of such goods, and in response to an expressed demand, is transporting the goods to the consumer.

  • This sort of activity has not only built up new consuming power in the market, and contributed to the progress of civilization, but has given rise to new price policies that have undermined the old organization of distribution in staple lines. Hence it is important in outlining the present day problem of distribution to give special attention to the more progressive distributor, rather than to the typical distributor.

  • They differentiate a product from a staple commodity with an established price and create demand for the modified product upon a new and higher price level.

  • The means used for differentiation are numerous. Sometimes slight modifications render the commodity better adapted to the use to which it is put. Sometimes niceties of trimming and equipment are utilized. Sometimes a new and more convenient style of package is used. Sometimes the distributor builds up an atmosphere of good taste about the goods, or a reputation for uniform quality which insures the consumer against dissatisfaction. Sometimes the distributor depends upon " service " or special conveniences to the consumer.

  • Always, however, the aim is to isolate his product from the stock commodity of substantially like nature. And nearly always the distributor utilizes trade marks, brands or trade names to identify his product as a distinct commodity.

  • The marketing of hats furnishes a good illustration of this development. If derby hats were distributed as a staple, unbranded and at a single market price for a given quality, many consumers would pay perhaps $3.00 for a staple hat.

  • But certain producers have distinguished their hats from the staple hat by their brand. By calling the attention of the consumers to niceties of trimming and finish, and by emphasis upon design, some such producers have built up a demand for their hats at $5.00.

  • No doubt the demand for the more expensive hat depends in part upon the sense of security on the part of the consumer that his hat will be of good quality and of proper shape if it bears the name of these producers.

  • No doubt, too, motives of social emulation sometimes enter in, and the consumer derives a portion of his gratification from the mere fact that he purchases a hat which sells at a higher price than those purchased by his less well-to-do neighbors.

  • As demand creation is the initial step in distribution, it is necessary to consider the agencies for this purpose available to the merchant-producer. There are three general agencies to be considered: (1) middlemen, (2) the producer's own salesman, and (3) advertising, direct and general. The business man faces the problem of what agency or what combination of agencies is the most efficient for the creation of demand and the physical supply of his particular commodity.

  • Under the orthodox type of distribution, with numerous middlemen intervening between the producer and the consumer, the producer's position is not an advantageous one. The fixed charges under which he operates make it almost imperative that he operate continuously. The outlet for his goods, however, is controlled by middlemen.

  • Hence the middleman is able to exert pressure upon the producer and force a narrowing of his margin of profit. It was on account of this pressure and in order to free themselves from it that the stronger producers (merchant-producers now) sought to find ways of going around the middlemen, and establish more direct contacts with consumers.

  • The ideas that the retailer must communicate to the consumer to create in him a desire for the commodity are not the ideas which the wholesaler conveyed to the retailer to induce him to purchase. Hence a producer who has added to his goods special advantages in quality or service finds it difficult to convey to the consumer through a chain of middlemen the precise ideas about those advantages that will lead the consumer to demand his goods in preference to those of another manufacturer.

  • These considerations render the increasing communication of ideas about the goods by the producer directly to the consumer an innovation of great social significance in our scheme of distribution.

  • The producer is forced to study the consumer's wants and to adjust his product to them. He can no longer devote his attention exclusively to cost. He realizes that the consumer's satisfaction depends on the quality of the goods and the service that they render. These become to him considerations as important as that of cost.

  • Moreover, when he works out in his product some improvement in quality or service which more adequately adapts the commodity to the wants of the consumer, he is able to convey to the consumer precise and accurate knowledge of these improvements and to reap in increased demand for his product the reward for his efforts.

  • Direct selling means, of necessity, a better adjustment of production to the needs of the consumer. Goods are being made to satisfy rather than to sell.
